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Walking With Intention Day 21 by Kilaya Ciriello –

For those of you who don’t already follow Sreejit’s “SEEKER’S DUNGEON” blog, I highly recommend it. This link is for a piece that I wrote for his “WALKING WITH INTENTION” series of posts.

My first impulse was to write about what intent and intention means within the teachings of Don Juan (from the works of Carlos Castaneda) but it spontaneously morphed into this inquiry into the free-will vs. Destiny debate.
I have to admit that, privately, I often ask myself what is the point of intention, if even being able to ask about it requires Divine Grace.
I use questions like that to put the ego in its place and make space for a contented, celebratory faith. If I fall into the trap of thinking the whole world is on my shoulders, I will never find peace and love in life. Of course, if I remain content with my own miserable emotions and don’t make inquiries or spiritual practices, I won’t know lasting peace or joy either. Another fine line to dance upon.

About Kilaya

Kilaya is a yogi who is also well-versed in the sciences. He studied physics and mathematics at college, biology and molecular biology on his own, fluid dynamics while working as a professional plumber and has always had a passion for in-depth psychology. Now he adds what he has learned from his spiritual master, Amma, and from his life as a professional astrologer to his writings in order to make discoveries that may inspire others.

Posted on November 21, 2018, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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